It takes the sound of the bang of a thunderclap five seconds to travel one mile, lightning flash is seen instantaneously.
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If the game is resumed on another date, the referees are entitled to a full game fee.įacts about Lightning – Calculating Flash-to Bang

In the event a game must be suspended because of conditions that make it impossible to continue play within a reasonable time on the same day, the Elk Grove Soccer shall determine the outcome of the game or if there will be a reschedule.All individuals and teams have the right to leave a site or activity, without fear of repercussion or penalty, in order to seek a safe structure or location if they feel that they are in danger from impending lightning activity.The best option is a large building with electric and telephone wiring and plumbing to provide a safe pathway for the current to the ground. (Dugouts and picnic shelters are not suitable, safe structures during a lightning storm.) While there is not a place absolutely safe from the lightning threat, some places are safer than others.
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Referees and coaches shall direct players and spectators to leave the field for safe shelter, which includes their hard-top vehicles with the windows closed or some other sturdy enclosed substantial structure.Practice and games shall not resume until 30 minutes after the last sound of thunder is heard or lightning is seen. Practice and games will be delayed by a minimum of 30 minutes if the flash of lightning and its thunderclap occur within 30 seconds or less of one another.

For purposes of this policy, a 30 second flash-to-bang count will be utilized (see calculations below). Elk Grove Soccer will follow the recommendation of the National Severe Storms Laboratory, which provides that athletic participation will cease when lightning is detected within 6 miles. If you can hear thunder, you are within striking distance.

Purpose – The health and safety of soccer players and the condition of soccer fields is a top priority for Elk Grove Soccer.